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Tablet comes with the following default and specific options and the Common icon is displayed only when an option is set:• Skip confirmation dialog boxes• Selection highlight markers on the toolbar and title bar• Images preview• Open location on the Home screen for specific files• Highlight selected files and folders (folder is moved to the Home screen)• Rotation of image is locked• File properties are visible in the Home screen
We wish to propose a structure for the salt of the deoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A.). This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest. A structure for nucleic acid has already been proposed by Pauling (4) and Corey1. They kindly made their manuscript available to us in advance of publication. They are. J. H. Corey et al Physical Chemistry of Nucleic Acids Spinger 4, chapter 16. Their model consists of three intertwined chains, with the phosphates near the fibre axis, and the bases on the outside. In our opinion, this structure is unsatisfactory for two reasons:
Owing to the electronegative phosphates nearby the axis, it is not clear what forces would hold the structure together, especially as the negatively charged phosphates near the axis will repel each other.
Some of the van der Waals distances appear to be too small. Another three-chain structure has also been suggested in the press by Fraser (in the press). In his model the phosphates are on the outside and the bases on the inside, linked together by hydrogen bonds. This structure as described is rather ill-defined, and for this reason we shall comment only on it. We wish to put forward a radically different structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (5). This structure has two helical chains each coiled round the same axis (see diagram).
embroidery software is software that helps users create embroidery designs. While a large majority of embroidery software is specific to machine embroidery, there is also software available for use with hand embroidery, such as cross-stitch. d2c66b5586